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Training and Certification Support

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What can we help you with?

Please sign in using your established Username and Password.

Trouble resetting your Password?

Did not receive the reset email? Check your spam folder for the email from

Do not see it in spam? Add to your email client’s safe senders list and use the “Forgot your password?” function on the sign in page again to trigger a new email.

Unable to sign in to open a case?

If you cannot sign in to open a case, please call the CST team at one of the numbers below:

USA: Call 1 (800-782-4362) and say "Something else" at the menu

Worldwide: Call 1 (312-725-5401) and press 7 at the menu

When you're with CST, tell them you cannot sign in to open a case with Education Services.

Need assistance with non-training issues?

We recognize that you are on the Dell network.

We recognize that you are a TechDirect / DSP learner. Please use the actions below to find support.